In honor of our Dog Days of Summer issue we have the ultimate “Animal Tea Party” gracing our cover. llustration by Calamity Cole.

In honor of our Dog Days of Summer issue we have the ultimate “Animal Tea Party” gracing our cover. llustration by Calamity Cole.
Adorable Josie Kimmel, aged two, enjoys reading the Messenger Mountain News. “Loving the new paper” submitted by Kate Kimmel. Thanks Kate!
“Heatwave” Our artist envisions a surreal summer romance. It’s hot out there, Keep Cool. If Calamity Coles’ cover art inspires a desire for the cold stuff, drop by Pine Tree Circle and…
“One Love Band” by Calamity Cole. In celebration of the Reggae on the Mountain Festival this weekend, the “Jah” Lion, important to Rasta Culture, carries a trio of young musicians on its…
Planting Pride—June is Gay Pride month and cover artist Calamity Cole adapted the iconic WW II Iwo Jima photo by Joe Rosenthal (1945) to acknowledge victories in the struggle of the LGBTQ+…