

Native Americans of Topanga Beach

For decades,  it has been known that a number of Indian bones were buried all along the bluffs by the sea. Occasionally after a high tide, relics… are to be seen, the…


New Books for the New Year

Four local authors have new books in four different genres just in time for the start of the new year. Self Help “Accepting Your Blended Family,” by Wendy Smith Baruc—Canyon resident Wendy…

Canyon Courtyard Open for Business and Fun

Compiled by Messenger Mountain News Staff with Assistance from Jim Crawford Anyone who knew “The Old Center,” by the Topanga Creek Market with its drab quonset hut businesses whose entrepreneurs often hid…

A Message from the Twilight Zone

I have a hundred stories of the Woolsey Fires, but this one is the strangest. Our house on Point Dume in Malibu survived the Woolsey Fire—thanks to neighbors who stayed behind and…

40 Ways to Use Chia Seeds

Mix 1 teaspoon of chia seeds with a quarter cup of water to make an egg substitute for baking cakes and cookies. Add chia seeds to apple juice to make “sago.” [WHAT…

Storming the Vote!

The Woolsey fire coopted plans for an issue dedicated to election results. “Storming the Vote” was intended as Calamity Cole’s cover for this issue. So as not to entirely ignore what was…

Woolsey Fire Chronicles Evacuating the Fourth Estate

Nearly 25 years ago, my husband, Janek, and I moved our large family to Topanga Canyon. Like many newcomers to canyon life, we were clueless about what living in the wildland urban…

More Woolsey Chronicles

Topanga Nutcracker through the Eyes of Evacuation For a few months every year, young children, preteens, teenagers, parents, and old friends come together to create the Topanga Nutcracker, and bring to life…

The Nature of Stress

Wildfires are an expression of Nature’s “fight or flight” response. However, when the flames have been quelled, the job of growth and repair begins almost immediately. For people, some of whom may…