My Corner of the Canyon

Even unto Bethlehem

I had one of those exasperating working dreams, filled not only with great physical effort, but mental anguish and a time limit. I’ve suffered the hideous waitress nightmare wherein I’m overwhelmed by…

Besieged by Dragons

One can feel the hot breath. It’s on the wind, blowing in off the sea, rustling the dry leaves, agitating the palm trees, electrifying the squirrel’s tail. Hurricanes and fires, guns and…


  I still have last year’s volunteer badge for Topanga’s very own literary festival, Transport.   Thanks to the guidance of visionary Kim Zanti, Library Manager Oleg Kagan, Jenni Klemp and their…

The Alien on the Side of the Road

Have you seen him? I happened to look up one day, over at our Topanga Mountains, as we were driving down toward PCH.  From the passenger seat, I lazily mused over such…


“Please!  Just listen, this is important,” states my husband over the phone. “Do you know where Miranda is?” His voice is urgent, intense and reflects an immediacy that prevents my asking any…

Comin’ Through The Rye

It’s one of those mornings when I can’t find anything. I know my makeup is in my purse but where’s my purse? I have indeed donned a dress but am lacking the…

With Love, From Summer 2017

How can anything really be Summer 2017? In what kind of science fiction, futuristic, Tomorrowland time have we arrived?   Of course, all things being relative, our children bat not an eye. “2017?…

Saying Yes to the Dress

I stand with her in the dressing room like a servant or dresser or some ageing lady-in-waiting, removing the dresses from hangers and slipping them over her head, helping her step into…

Roll Away the Stone

In a jaded sense of certainty derived from living, lo these many years upon this plane, I think I know everything.   I know the seasons will change…somewhat. I know the bill…

The Buddha on the Side Road of the Road

She comes slowly down the street like a shadow moving through the night, there at the dim edge of the affluent Palisades. The darling daughter requested a Subway Sandwich (dubious, I know)…