5G Free Topanga and Beyond’ will hold its next meeting on Sept. 12, 7 p.m. at Inn of the Seventh Ray
Residents of Topanga and surrounding areas are becoming increasingly aware of the possible harm from smart cell phones, cell towers, wireless phones, smart utility meters and just about anything that uses Wi-Fi technology.
Fifth Generation or “5G” wireless technology is the latest development in Wi-Fi devices and some people are concerned about its possible harmful effects. Fifty of them crowded into a meeting held at Lucy Yaney’s Inn of the Seventh Ray on August 22 to hear a presentation from Dafna Tachover, who has experienced electromagnetic frequency (EMF) sickness.
Tachover, an attorney in New York and Israel, who received her degree in the UK, presented U.S. Navy and Air Force studies dating back to the 1970s that cited evidence of harm from certain microwave and radar technology. She gained a technical understanding of wireless networks and infrastructures as a communications and computer officer in the Israeli Defense Forces where she was the commander of the computer center for their Operations Center and Headquarters.
The presentation cited evidence of alleged electromagnetic frequency (EMF) harm caused by cell phones, cell phone towers and all such devices that emit radiation and addressed what is EMF/RF/5G, evidence of harm, with an emphasis on research and findings of cancer, autism, immune diseases and DNA breakage.
Tachover writes on her website, wearetheevidence.org, that “When people with electro-sensitivity are exposed to EMF and electromagnetic radiation from wireless and electrical sources—cell phones, Wi-Fi, cell towers and antennas, tablets, cordless phones, wireless smart meters, power lines, appliances, and imbalanced home wiring among others—they experience signs and symptoms of adverse health effects.”
She also describes symptoms of electro-sensitivity and legal action being taken and considered to stop the 5G roll out worldwide and provides information on shielding/EMF remediation, and concluded by providing an overview of a new coalition—5G Free California.
Those concerned should attend the 5G Free Topanga and Beyond monthly meetings and visit Tachover’s website, noted above.
5G Free Topanga and Beyond is arranging meetings with Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, California Governor Gavin Newsom, CA Attorney General Javier Becerra, State Senator Henry Stern, and all federal legislators.
5G Free Topanga and Beyond will hold its next meeting on Sept. 12, 7 p.m., Inn of the Seventh Ray, 28 Old Topanga Canyon Rd., Topanga CA 90290.
- Websites for Information on Health Impacts/Proof of Harm: http://www.5gappeal.eu/
- Short ‘sexy’ video from 5G Crisis on why 5G is a concern (under two minutes): https://youtu.be/J2MzifPRmdw
- To upload the GPS coordinates of cell towers or any EMF source seen in your neighborhood/town: https://emfwatch.org/measurements-guide/
- Contact Julie Levine: (310) 455-9389; juliemagic2010@gmail.com, to learn more about the Topanga 5G campaign.
- Contact 5G Free Topanga and Beyond via email: info@5gfreeTopanga.org; or website: www.5GfreeTopanga.org.
There’s a lot of ignorance going around with 5G. There’s been many studies and it’s been proven that 5G has no adverse health effects even with multiple towers in a condensed area. Ignorance and fear mongering control these people, luckily there’s not many who believe that 5G is harmful so hopefully we can propel ourselves into the future quicker rather than letting other countries get ahead of us.
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