The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) suggests that summer is a great time to get out and experience wildlife at night. You don’t have to go far to see nocturnal wildlife—many live right outside your door. Look for these night-loving wildlife in your yard and garden.
Moths—Just as cool and beautiful as their daytime cousins, the butterfly, moths help pollinate night-blooming plants.
Frogs and Toads—Listen for them calling on summer nights looking for mates. You can attract them to your garden with a backyard pond.
Owls—No animal symbolizes nighttime wildlife more than the owl: listen for their calls, look for their pellets and, if you’re lucky, you may see one in your yard or garden.
When you provide the four basic elements—food, water, cover, and a place to raise their young—and use sustainable gardening practices, you give wildlife the safe haven they need and then your garden can become a Certified Wildlife Habitat®.
Certify your yard and join more than 210,000 gardeners from across America who provide safe places where wildlife from birds to butterflies to frogs can thrive. Providing habitat for wildlife not only protects them, but also helps your garden bloom.
Your application fee helps further protect and restore key habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, amphibians and other wildlife nationwide. Plus, your certified garden will count towards meeting the goals of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.
For more information: nwf.org.