During their frequent trips to Downtown, L.A. for their Be Love Apparel brand and business, Kyle Finch and KamGi Chak-Finch were increasingly upset and overwhelmed as they witnessed the numbers of homeless…

During their frequent trips to Downtown, L.A. for their Be Love Apparel brand and business, Kyle Finch and KamGi Chak-Finch were increasingly upset and overwhelmed as they witnessed the numbers of homeless…
Enid Bagnold’s The Chalk Garden opened to a packed Theatricum Botanicum where the audience was treated to witty dialogue and awesome acting in this comedy of English manners. Inspired by Bagnold’s own…
Clinical psychologist Dr. Terry Marks-Tarlow has a thriving therapy practice, is an author, illustrator, artist, dancer, and yogi. Now this top Topangan has another string to add to her already impressive bow,…
A Play of Wit and Intrigue. On Saturday, June 30, 8 p.m., laugh and wonder at Theatricum’s opening night production of Enid Bagnold’s unique comedy. The Chalk Garden, according to Theatricum Botanicum’s…
When Tracy Burns first visited an orphanage in Uganda in 2016, she was struck by the boundless joy and energy the toddlers greeted her with. But it didn’t take the owner and…
When she isn’t playing the harp, Scheherazade Alexis Aria, known as Lexi to her many friends, works as a community organizer for the Democratic Party, including running the phone banks in Topanga…
Originally commissioned by La Jolla Playhouse for its 2017 Performance Outreach Program (POP), #SuperShinySarah received its second incarnation, as a staged reading, by Topanga Actors Company (TAC) at Topanga Library on April…
No one is more delighted and surprised than its curator and star, Lexi Pearl, that this year’s “MOMentum Place” being held at Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum on Sunday, May 13 at 2…
Looking for a reason to get your kids off their screens? Take them to see a play for young audiences: #SuperShinySara, written and directed by Topanga resident Wesley Middleton. The play was…