
Sailing Hardships Through Broken Harbors

The fence. I have passed it many times, hundreds of times, countless times.  It was brown, wooden and weathered with carved flame designs placed here and there. The fence was something familiar,…

Why Vote?

“We’ve spent our careers explaining that public education is chronically underfunded.  Enough is enough. For the first time in my career, and in yours, we are on an offense against under-funding. Measure…

Art Kunkin: Rebel With A Cause

The late Art Kunkin, who recently died at the age of 91, was much more than just the founder-publisher of the Los Angeles Free Press, one of the nation’s oldest, most influential,…

What is….Huawei?

What the heck is all this news about the Chinese tech company, Huawei? We hear about this company all over the news, and none of the information seems positive. Let’s take a…

Letters – May 17, 2019

Dear Editor, Kat High’s beautiful piece on the passing of Old Bill is one for the books. The tortoise’s life with her father, then her, for roughly 108 years is not only…

The Crosstown 31

A phalanx of yellow buses poured black students to the curb and across the street. The white boy waited for the Crosstown 31. His mother told him that the ancient yet ornate…

Once Upon a Time

In my TK/Kindergarten classroom, as I was introducing different versions of common fairy tales and folktales to the children, I realized the stories offer a comprehensible way to look at life. Most…

Degradation of Online Civility–Part 2

As promised, this column will be devoted to the recognition of the more common soft fallacies you encounter in unpleasant online exchanges. Understanding fallacies helps you wade through the negativity of troll-generated…

The Degradation of Civility on Social Media

The future of social media interactions in the United States is looking bleak. The Troll Farms in Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, and various other nations are hard at work to create…

The Least of Our Worries

From time to time I peruse the job posts in hopes of finding the perfect occupation.   Starting a whole new life choice where I am doing good work that pays a…