
A Strange Virus of Unknown Origin

I have set myself to write the story of the Great Change, so far as it has affected my own life and the lives of one or two people closely connected with…

Letters – April 3, 2020

Safety First “Last month’s rockfall was an eerie reminder of the winter storms of 2019, when multiple boulders and rocks came tumbling down onto Caltrans maintenance vehicles and our crews escaped with…


“Be the change you want to see in the world.” –Mohandas Gandhi The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states that “All men are created equal,” the 14th Amendment (1868) affirms…

Letters – March 20, 2020

What a Tale! I am a relatively recent transplant from Wisconsin to Topanga (2007), but my wife has spent most of the past 44 years here. The missus was going through a…


Modern political opponents have grown fond of accusing one another of “rewriting history” for political advantage that typically served the exclusive needs of that portion of the population who maintained tight control…

Back in the Day

I was raised by my Depression-era grandparents who grew up in very large, very poor families. As a child, I sat beside my grandmother in front of the fireplace, my grandfather across…

Unicorns Rule

There are times when, for some reason, a certain animal becomes wildly popular. Whether it is due to the political climate, some mass mindset or sunspots, suddenly, its image is everywhere, like…

Letters – March 6, 2020

Much to our delight, this letter (yes, via snail mail) from Ethan, a third-grade student at The Langley School in McLean VA, arrived with the following request. We e-mailed Ethan’s teacher, Ms.…

You’re Not Just Voting. You’re a Voter.

In my home growing up, my parents raised me to believe that voting was more than a habit. More than a tradition. More than a civic duty. It was something closer to…

E-Voting is Here!

E-voting has arrived. Let’s take a good look at it from the fundamental concept that free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our great republic.  People worry about hackers and foreign…