Photo courtesy of Dorothy Reik
Long-time Topangan Dorothy Reik, president of the Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains (PDSMM), is running for re-election to the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee in March 3 primary.
In 2013, Dorothy Reik was elected to the Board of the Progressive Caucus of the Democratic Party—five members of whom are delegates to the California State Party Central Committee.
“After many years of attending the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) Central Committee meetings, I was finally elected to the committee and am now running for re-election,” she said. “Last year the members of the “County Committee” elected me to the Executive Board of the California Democratic Party. I am the only member of either group from the Topanga-Malibu-Calabasas area.
“The L.A. County Committee supports or opposes legislation and local measures, endorses candidates in local races and passes resolutions that go to elected officials and do make a difference. It is a powerful force in local politics,” Reik continued. “Its members are all delegates to the California Democratic Party and in that capacity, vote on endorsements in state races in their districts. They also elect California Executive Board members from among their ranks. Last year I was elected to be a member of the Executive Board.”
Candidates running on the Progressive Democratic Slate in the 50th AD for the LACDP (County Central Committee) will appear on the ballot and in alphabetical order by last name: Jeff Ebenstein, Deana Igelsrud, Paul Koretz, Eddie Mendoza, Dorothy Reik, Mike Soloff, and Alison R. Stern-Simard
Ongoing issues include opposition to Arctic drilling, passing the Equal Rights Act for women, and supporting renewable energy. For 2020, issues include:
- Ending Poverty & Homelessness
- Fighting for Affordable Housing/Rent Control
- Tackling Climate Change
- Promoting Workers Rights
- Securing Healthcare For All
- Making Higher Education Affordable
- Advocating for a Living Wage
- Pushing for Clean Money & Fair Elections
- Advancing Criminal Justice Reform
- Ensuring Animal Rights
- Supporting Gender & LGBTQIA Equality
- Increasing Funding for Public Education
- Banning Fracking
Reik moved to Topanga in 1971 and became interested in politics and activism early on. In addition to helming the PDSMM, she is president of her company, Bankers Group.
“I was a member of the Topanga Democratic Club but in 2004 a group of us—many of whom were members of the Topanga Peace Alliance—left the club to form Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains; we couldn’t use Topanga in our name because it was already taken,” Reik wrote via email.
“We split off after losing a close vote which would have enabled us to partner with Progressive Democrats of America that formed after the 2004 Democratic Convention. Some members felt that PDA was too progressive but at this point almost all of PDA’s positions are now enshrined in the California Democratic Party platform.”
PDSMM is chartered by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party and is also a member club of the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley.
In 2014, Reik was one of two volunteers honored as Democrat of the Year for the 50th Assembly District by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party at the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner. At this event, The Los Angeles Democratic Party honors grassroots activists from each Assembly District as the Democrats of the Year.
Reik has also hosted the annual PDSMM Birthday Party for many years at her home high up on Saddlepeak with a spectacular view of the ocean and the Palisades.
Guests have included Rep. Ted Lieu, State Sen. Henry Stern, State Sen. Ben Allen, former L.A. County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky; L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl; and a host of well-known Progressive activists from throughout the United States.
“Dorothy Reik is a force for change and a trailblazer on issues of social and economic justice at the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, where she serves as an elected member of the 50th Assembly District,” wrote Susie Shannon, LACDP Member and Democratic National Committee Member. “From protecting our hillsides to climate change to her work on the LACDP Legislative Committee, she has never wavered in doing the right thing for our environment and people in need. I have endorsed her candidacy and I hope that everyone will vote for her to be re-elected as their Democratic Party representative on March 3.”
In addition to her political action and committee leadership, each morning Reik mines the Internet and sends out political emails to hundreds of her loyal followers.
“I hope you all vote for me and tell your friends in the district to join us,” said Reik. “As a member of the County Committee, I will have a voice in endorsements at local and state levels and will have the ear of our local legislators. Even now, I get calls from voters who have problems with governmental agencies or other issues and I always try to help in any way I can.”
To donate or become a member: www.pdsmm.org or contact Dorothy Reik at dorothyreik@pdsmm.org.