Katie Dalsemer Says Thanks!
Dear Editor,
As many of you know, I’ve been recovering for months from an extreme Staph infection that affected my hip, heart and head and i want to thank everyone for all their cards and warm wishes. They’ve truly meant the world to me.
Although I’m progressing well, I still have some obstacles to overcome, but am planning on getting back home in the next few months. I’ve missed photographing my beloved community as well as teaching for Sherry and Bob Jason’s City Hearts and can’t wait to get back to the work I love.
All the best,
Katie, katie@kdalsemerphoto.com.
—Katie Dalsemer

Get Well, Sages
In case you haven’t heard, a few of our favorite people are battling injury and illness.
Always a fearless leader, Pat MacNeil sustained an injury recently and is recuperating at home. You could send her a note of support at
canyongalpat@gmail.com. Hang in there, Jack!
Canyon activist and founder of Topanga Days’ Cowboy Church Breakfast, Arthur Nissman was also injured and recuperating at home. Say hello at arthur.nissman@gmail.com.
His wife and full-time caretaker, Susan, sent an e-mail update: “He broke his neck, C2 vertebrae, but is mending and recovering one day at a time. He will recover!! Neil Shaw and Nonie Shore will carry on the Cowboy Breakfast for Topanga Days this year. Max, our son, will drive the jeep for the Basset Rescue entry for the parade; we hope Arthur will be able to ride along as a passenger, with Hunter the Basset drooling in the back seat, accepting all hugs and ‘how cutes,’ and, of course, taking all the applause! He is, after all, the perfect ambassador for cynics of any stripe.”
Best thoughts to Roz Harris, everybody’s friend, who is in rehab recovering from brain surgery. Feel free to send her a line at PO Box 678, Topanga, CA 90290.
Canyon stalwart San Buschmann is also recuperating from an illness. You could send a card to him at 20626 Callon Dr, Topanga, CA 90290. Keep the faith, Nancy!
We wish them all the best and hope we see them around the canyon soon!
-Michele Johnson
Dear Editor,
I showed our Move the World kids this amazing cover of the Messenger Mountain News and they were so proud. Move the World is so honored to be on your cover and we appreciate deeply your continued support for our small local dance company. I told the kids that they’d be lucky to be published in your paper and many said they’d be happy to write articles for you in the future. Here’s to Topanga’s literary future.
Thank you again for your tremendous support!
-Cecilie Stuart and the MTW Board