Letter to the Editor

In these trying times finding the Messenger is my mailbox always gives me comfort. I am said to hear it is going on hiatus just when we need it most. One happy note – in my election for LA County Central Committee I got 40,503 votes! That is more than any other candidate for County Committee ever got in the history of the County Committee! The next closest vote was for City Councilman Paul Koretz but he was 9,000 votes behind me! I know those articles in the Messenger were a big factor in these days of Google! I want you all to know that I take my position seriously. If you ever need help with a government entity please let me know and I will try my best to smooth the way for you as I have done for others before. You can reach me on my cell phone 310-291-1300 – best to text if I don’t answer! As I see us pull together during this crisis, as we have done so many times before, I am so grateful to be living in Topanga and among Topangans. Whatever happens I always feel safest when I am in our beloved Canyon.

Dorothy Reik


Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains


1 Comment
  1. My son works a 2nd shift. When he tried to return home from work late tonight he was stopped by the Hwy Patrol roadblock at Topanga Cyn. Blvd. and Mulholland. They said there was a “Hard Curfew” from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and no resident could enter Topanga Canyon after 6. He was told by the Hwy Patrol officers to “get a hotel”.

    So, he is supposed to work all afternoon into the night and then spend his wages on a hotel? Who is the idiot who wrote this order and didn’t think that some people work nights?

    I drove to the roadblock to get my son across but the “robots” manning the block would not, or could not, reason. They wouldn’t even let him walk in. They were so arrogantly, proudly stupid that they told me that if I crossed the roadblock “line” that I wouldn’t be let back in.

    Why are the Hwy Patrol so dumb that they can’t see my son’s situation? Why are they not trained to enforce the spirit of the order rather than the letter? Why are they not taught to think? I was told that the order came from the Sheriff via Cal Fire. Does Cal Fire have this authority?

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