On Saturday, April 11, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Loose Lips Poetry Series will present its quarterly poetry reading featuring L.A. poet Frank Mundo at the Topanga Library. This ongoing event is free and open to the public.
Frank Mundo is a full-time writer in Los Angeles where he lives with his wife, Nancy, and their dog, Jax. His latest poetry book is Touched by an Anglo (Kattywompus Press) and will be available for sale and book signing.
For more than a decade, Mundo has been reviewing books for the San Diego Union-Tribune, Westside Today, The Swamp, UCLA’s Karisma Magazine for Women, The Journal of Cultural Conversation, and L.A. Books Examiner, where he has interviewed more than 100 authors. In addition, Mundo’s stories, poetry, and essays have appeared in dozens of journals and anthologies in print and online.
He is also the author of the award-winning novel in verse, The Brubury Tales, a modern version of The Canterbury Tales, set in Los Angeles, with a foreword by bestselling author and critic, the late Carolyn See. For 14 years, Mundo worked the graveyard-shift as a security guard in Los Angeles, a job which allowed him to write and publish hundreds of stories, essays, and poems. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @frankemundo
Loose Lips, curated by Jean Colonomos and Millicent Borges-Accardi, has received 16 matching grants from Poets & Writers. The series is dedicated to bringing a diverse array of the best contemporary poets to Topanga and to provide audiences and authors with a poetic forum and community. It delivers literary events which are edgy, spiritual, inspiring, and at times, irreverent. Refreshments are provided by Friends of the Topanga Library and the reading always includes an open mic (one poem, please, no epics).
SAVE THE DATE! Two events, Saturday July 18, 2 p.m., (poets TBA); and Saturday, Oct.17, 2 p.m., featuring Carl Marcum and Diana Marie Delgado.
The event will be held in the Meeting Room of the Topanga Library, 122 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290.