Every month, near or on the full moon, Meghan Mahealani Morris, founder of Amba Movement and the Embodiment School for Women, holds a full moon celebration for women at Topanga’s Corazon Performing Arts Studio.

Morris explains: “Women have gathered together in ceremony around the full moon for thousands of years. In modern times, we have become disconnected from the rhythms of nature by not having these kinds of gatherings. I hold full moon events because I wanted to create a space where women can reconnect to the wisdom and joy of their bodies and sync up with the moon cycles through dance and movement.
“It’s a space where women can just be themselves, and not have to try to perform in any way. In L.A., it can be difficult to find these kinds of environments. My hope is that women come away from these full moon celebrations feeling more self-love, more vital energy, and experience true sisterhood in the sense that they are welcomed and honored for who they are.”

Morris’s moon circle events attract between 50 to 60 women and celebrates its first anniversary at tonight’s event.
The full moon celebrations are just one of the programs Morris offers. Others include year-round women’s embodiment circles, and an embodied feminine yoga teacher’s training, also held in Topanga at Corazon.
“I began to lead these full moon celebrations because I felt called to bring women together to celebrate the cycles of the moon. I’ve been teaching and studying yoga, movement, breath work, and nature connection since 2001. In 2010, I was called to lead yoga and movement through a more feminine approach and work specifically with women. As I listened to the call, Amba was born,” said Morris who lives in Topanga with her husband, Sam, and their two rescue mutts.
The couple has lived in Topanga for a year and a half. “For many years, Sam and I wanted to move to Topanga, but we didn’t think it would ever be possible since he’s paraplegic and uses a wheelchair; most homes in Topanga have at least a set or two of stairs to get to them. One day, I happened to be looking at Zillow and found a flat lot with a one-story house for rent. It was pure serendipity,” said Morris.
Her moon circles are a night of movement, dancing, and time-connecting with the moon through a guided meditation. “All kinds of women attend,” said Morris. “From women who have never been to anything like this, to women who have a dedicated yoga/meditation practice
We have women of all ages, from 19 to 80. One woman brought her two-month-old daughter and danced with her on her chest. It’s open to all women who love to dance, celebrate, and crave a warm and welcoming space where they can just be themselves and get nourished through these kinds of practices. The women come because they feel drawn to do something special for the full moon.
The guided movement meditation opens the body and attendees dance to live drumming. “It’s a very liberating and celebratory experience,” said Morris.
“There’s a flower mandala ceremony in which we all place flowers with intention, into the center of the room in a sacred geometry, a guided meditation with a sound bath or gong played, to ground the energy and open up the heart and finally a tea lounge with herbal moon teas and handmade chocolate with time for socializing and relaxing.”
For the past few months, the moon circles have sold out in advance, so if this sounds like your cup of tea, book early. Morris advises wearing whatever you love to move in and feel good wearing. Some wear a flowing dress, others wear jeans or yoga pants.
The next event is 7:30-10 p.m., tonight, Friday, July 27, at Corazon Performing Arts, 125 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga.
Tickets are $30 in advance, $40 at the door (if space is available). www.ambamovement.com Email: love@ambamovement.com.
NOTE: If you missed this one, save this information and tune in to the next full moon in August.