Topanga is most fortunate to have exceptional government representatives who truly work for their constituents. We are also lucky to have local community leaders who have established relationships that enable Topanga residents to directly communicate with them. Since his election in 2015, Representative Ted W. Lieu has maintained a steady course, challenging critical changes to our democratic system of government and moving forward, in the face of obstinate obstruction, with work that needs to be done and offers this update:
As the Representative for California’s 33rd Congressional District, I’ve got the best job in the world getting to represent parts of our Los Angeles County community. This year has been a busy one.
In the 200 days since Democrats regained the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, we’ve passed dozens of important bills aimed at strengthening background checks for gun buyers, lowering prescription drug prices, rooting out corruption in Washington, addressing climate change, securing our elections, and much, much more.
This year, I’ve introduced bills to tackle homelessness, ban harmful LGBTQ conversion therapy, and improve our country’s cybersecurity, to name a few.
In my positions on the House Foreign Affairs and Judiciary Committees, I’ve been able to hold Trump Administration officials accountable for abuses at migrant detention centers, get answers about the U.S. role in the war in Yemen, and ask Special Counsel Robert Mueller about whether the President committed Obstruction of Justice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K459NBUK_GU Uploaded by PBS News Hour).
Here’s what I’ve been up to:
I introduced the “Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2019,” which bans LGBTQ conversion therapy. The fraudulent practice of so-called “conversion therapy” seeks to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and has been recognized by the national community of professionals in education, social work, health, and counseling as both harmful and ineffective.
I joined Senator Feinstein and other Members of Congress in introducing the “Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing Act,” a bill to increase federal resources to battle homelessness. Specifically, the bill authorizes $750 million in grants annually for the next five years for local governments to combat homelessness.
In July, I wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post pushing back against harmful rhetoric towards immigrants. I also questioned a Border Patrol official about the harms of this Administration’s Family Separation Policy. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=344939596439365)
Congressman Lieu announced that his Los Angeles district office has moved to 1645 Corinth Avenue, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025. The phone number remains the same: (323) 651-1040.
“With this move, we wanted to make it even easier for constituents to visit, so please stop by and say hello! Our new office has ample free parking, is right off the 405, is accessible on several bus lines, and is a short distance from the West Los Angeles VA campus. From our new location, we look forward to continuing to provide constituents with a high quality of service and support,” Rep Lieu said.