Messenger Mountain News celebrates its third annual Earth Day event on April 27, with a theme of “Topanga Gold.”
This year’s community celebration will be a fundraising effort to mine what we are branding “Topanga Gold,” rich, earthy topsoil created in a matter of weeks by composting kitchen organics. This community resource that is frequently sent to landfills will, with proper composting, remain and be recycled into home gardens to promote healthy, exuberant growth of seasonal produce.
The Messenger has collaborated with the non-profit organization, LA Compost, to bring a compost hub to Topanga. Additionally, LA Compost educates communities about composting their organic waste and installs compost hubs where organics are collected from households, brought to the hub, turned into compost, and returned to the community.
After hearing a presentation by LA Compost’s founder and Executive Director, Michael Martinez, at the Topanga Community Club’s (TCC) last General Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to host the community hub on the TCC grounds.
The Topanga Gold compost hub will be built and installed in early May by the LA Compost team. In addition, a local area compost expert will be on hand twice a month to work the compost and hold educational workshops. Once the first batch of compost is ready, it will support the Children’s Garden at TCC, and will be available to the community for individual gardens.
This Earth Day, the Messenger will be fundraising for the compost hub and its successful maintenance as we endeavor to bring a sustainable lifestyle beyond recycling to Topanga.
To learn more about LA Compost: lacompost.org.
Watch for more information in the coming weeks about the Third Annual Earth Day program, activities, fundraising, and booths available for educational and retail purposes. topangaearthday.com.