I lead a knitting group at the Topanga Library every Friday. When the Pussyhat Project came to my attention, I asked the group if they would like to be part of it and help make hats.
Going online to NextDoor Topanga and Topanga Local on Facebook, I asked if anyone wanted to come and knit hats. Many more people wanted hats than those who could knit. To get the group started, I bought some bright pink yarn at Joann’s, Soon we had our first donation to buy more yarn, then people started bringing us yarn. In two weeks, the group made more than 50 hats, all of which we donated to the wearers. Several hats went to Washington with a group of Topanga women. The rest were worn by other women from Topanga who marched in L.A., including those in the photo. I recently sent three hats off to Sweden.
At the march, I was overwhelmed by the sea of pink. It gave a real feeling of unity to this peaceful demonstration of women and men standing up for the rights of all.
There are 92 yards in a skein of yarn and 69 yards of bulky yarn to make one hat. A fast knitter can make one hat in three hours; it might take a less experienced knitter as much as eight hours to make one hat. About 750,000 people marched in Los Angeles. An estimated half of those marchers, 375,000, wore hats equivalent to [14,700 miles?] of yarn.