Peter Alsop and the Theatricum Botanicum cast and crew will present a repeat of their popular musical presentation “Pete Seeger—His Songs & Spirit,” on April 1, beginning at 1 p.m.
With a nod to the “interesting times” we live in, Alsop has given a theme to this production, “The Rising of the Women,” from a phrase in the song, “Bread and Roses:” For the rising of the women / Means the rising of the race
The afternoon will be a joyous sing-along with the Geer Family Singers and an array of guests that bring American history alive through their music.
Tickets are: Adults: $25; Seniors & Students: $15; Youth 6-17: $10; Kids under 6 are free.
Theatricum Botanicum is located at 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290, theatricum.com; (310) 455-3723.