The monthly Canyon Sages senior dinner that usually takes place at the Topanga Community Center (TCC) the first Friday of the month, took to the road on Friday, April 3. This special meal that was delivered to 100 seniors, was sponsored by the Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation and cooked by Kristina Rocco-Levy.
Gidget Zapata of Flower Power, provided enough flowers for each meal delivered.
Rocco-Levy, met members of the Canyon Sages, TCC, and community volunteers, all masked and gloved, in the parking lot at Pinetree Circle where she distributed the prepared hot meals that the volunteers delivered, with flowers, to the homes of about 100 seniors.”
Rocco’s Cucina has been preparing food for Topanga seniors while waiting for the County’s Critical Delivery Services Program to ramp up. Well before Safer at Home went into effect, Rocco-Levy, who lives in Topanga, was delivering dinners to Topanga seniors three times a week. As the quarantine continues, Rocco-Levy will continue to deliver on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to seniors in need for pickup at 6 p.m., at Pine Tree Circle. Regular orders will continue Monday-Friday through April and, if needed, into May.
To order, text Kristina at (310) 995-1895 by 4 p.m. or pay directly to Levy via Venmo @Kristina-Levy. Rocco’s Cucina (at Sunset and PCH) is also open from 11 a.m. -8 p.m. daily for curbside pick up (310) 573-3727.
“Kristina does this out of the goodness of her heart,” said one masked and gloved volunteer, Karen Dannenbaum, as she delivered a meal. “Please consider ordering a meal from Rocco’s Cucina (roccospalisades.com). It’s always good to support our local businesses at a time like this.”
Donate to the cause topangacommunitycenter.org
Way to go. Supporting our seniors And our community at this time is critical.