The Annual Topanga Artist Studio Tour is the chance for the world to see Topanga art and Topanga Artists to be seen by the world—or at least by Southern California. The Topanga Canyon Gallery, sponsor of the Tour for 19 years, is inviting artists to apply now through February to participate in June of 2020.
Every June art lovers throughout greater Los Angeles come for a glimpse of where artists work and to purchase art directly from them. Artists in the canyon open their home studios and often host other artists to share the space. Visitors purchase tickets and get a large, two-sided, full-color map with all locations clearly marked, and samples of each participant’s art.
Prior to the Studio Tour, the gallery has a three-week show exhibiting each artist’s work, as well as a silent auction where participating artists offer smaller pieces.
Attendance and sales have grown, particularly for the last three years – with over 500 attendees in 2019 and $50,000 of sales. For 2020 we will be selective in choosing studio locations so visitors can get to and spend time at every site. Interested artists should apply early as this planning will start in January and be completed by March 1. The Gallery is particularly interested in artists able to accommodate a guest artist at their location.
The advantage of the Studio Tour is that artists can display more of their work than they can in a gallery or a typical art show. Artists typically show several collections perhaps with different price points and even varied mediums.
The Studio Tour is one of the two biggest events in the canyon. This year, the event takes place on June 6 and 7, two weeks after Topanga Days. It is a chance for people to get an intimate glimpse of our community and for the artists to get wider exposure to sell their art.
Press releases are going out to regional publications and there will be advertising through the Valley, West Side, and Malibu. Artists, get ready for the Studio Tour!
Apply online at topangacanyongallery.com/studiotour For information: studiotour@topangacanyogallery.com
December Gallery Hours: Gallery will be closed from December 24-January 8.
Topanga Canyon Gallery is an artist-owned mutual benefit corporation. It is located at 120 N Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga CA 90290. For more information: (310) 455-7909; TopangaCanyonGallery.com.