“Introduction to Acrylics” with local artist, Velvet Marshall, is a new art class series at the Topanga Community Center (TCC) sponsored by the Canyon Sages. Marshall uses demonstrations and individual help to teach students basic acrylic techniques. The class is $20 per class and is designed for those who are inexperienced or who want to improve their skills.
An adult class consisting of students Victoria Nichols, Marianne Bordier, Pat Lukes, Mary Dippel and Jennifer Schnerderman de Pressberg have progressed from the first workshop that focused on Still Life paintings and moved on to Landscape painting techniques in the current class that continues to April 19.
Students’ Still Life paintings are currently on exhibit at the Topanga Library, 122 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga, CA. 90290. Closing reception for the exhibit is on Saturday, April 8, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Topanga Library. complementary refreshments.
Contact Velvet at velvetmarshall@gmail.com for class information.