Water heater? Mattresses? Car parts? Tires?
All of the above are waiting to get pulled out of Topanga Creek and Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCDSMM) and the Stream Team need your help. While many parts of the road shoulder are routinely cleaned up thanks to the Topanga Trash Warriors, big items dumped down the banks have been accumulating.
With funding from Supervisor Kuehl, the RCDSMM and Topanga Town Council are coordinating a clean-up effort to remove these more difficult-to-access items. It will take at least 10 strong adults to rig and haul this stuff out, as the banks are steep.
How about, instead of lifting weights at the gym, getting your exercise by helping us get all this nasty stuff out of the creek!
Additionally, the Town Council has no more funding for the Port-o-Potty that stood for many years in the parking lot behind the Topanga Creek Market. Sadly, the need for that potty is still high, and without access to a facility, it seems that folks are literally using the creek bank as a bathroom.
This is not good for any number of reasons, so we hope to clean up this mess as well. If you are not able to come help with the actual poopy pick up, please consider making a donation to the Town Council to help them get the Port-o-Potty back up and running; $300 a month will make it happen.
Due to the nature of these problems, this event is not suitable for students under 16, but for strong students looking to get more community service hours, please come help.
Anyone who has a truck with a winch, and interest in helping for an hour to move the debris from the creek to the dumpster, please contact Rosi Dagit at rdagit@rcdsmm.org.
We will meet at the parking area behind Topanga Market on Saturday June 15, at 10 a.m. and carpool to the sites. We will provide disposable work gloves and have a hand wash station near the dumpster. Wear closed-toe shoes that can get wet as the creek is still flowing and there is trash on both banks. Long pants and sleeves are highly recommended as there is also poison oak in the area.
On the brighter side, you may get a chance to see some of our wonderful tree frogs and tadpoles in addition to the satisfaction of helping keep the creek clean.
See you there!