What a loaded question! What matters to me may not matter to you. Is the artist expressing something that matters, or not?
Topanga Canyon Gallery presents Does It Matter? where each artist has chosen something that matters to them, or conversely, something that the viewer would assume to be important, but the artist, surprisingly, does not and thus posed the question: Does it Matter?
The subject each artist has chosen is as personal as the art itself. The show explores big issues like humanity and water, personal issues such as beauty, color, & play, and the physical, including books, the sun, and the process of aging.
Each of 18 artists approach the question differently and invite conversation. Here are a few of their thoughts:
Does it Matter, Color?—Artist Kit Plumridge, whose vibrant surf art, and stylized lifeguard towers exude color, makes a convincing case that color is not one of the top ingredients in painting.
Does It Matter, Aging?—Idelle Okman Tyzbir takes the question and focus away from our obsession with our own aging.
Does it Matter, Sun?—Donna Giest Buch explores the Sun as the center of the universe, and gives life to our earth. Her work, “Solar Flare,” dives into her angst about changes in the behavior of the sun affect the future of all of us.
Does it Matter, Books?—In a collage composed largely of parts and pages of books, Toby Salkin ponders the importance of books in the digital age.
The Gallery invites you to engage in discussion and meet the artists at the reception on October 13
from 4-7 p.m. Stop by between October 4 at 13 to get a preview of the evening’s discussions.
Does it Matter opens on October runs through October 4 – October 28. All work in this exhibit is for sale.
Gallery Hours: Thursday and Saturday 11-6; Friday Noon -8; Sunday 11-5. Topanga Canyon Gallery is located at 120 N Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290. For information: topangacanyongallery.com