Rooftop Solar #10
Nineteenth-century solar panels were made of selenium. Today, photovoltaic (PV) panels use thin wafers of silicon crystal. As photons strike them, they knock electrons loose and produce an electrical circuit. That’s how our Manzanita School Drawdown Arts class made a solar fountain. Kevin Parkhurst of Topanga’s own Design Integration Group, came to teach us about the power of the sun. He showed us how we can capture and store it and how it’s essential for reaching Drawdown by 2050.
Read more about how Rooftop Solar is the top #10 solution: drawdown.org/solutions/electricity-generation/rooftop-solar
Regenerative Agriculture #11
Topanga may be well versed in the practices of regenerative agriculture. Many of us know the value of soil, composting, and having our own gardens. As Manzanita School educator, EJ Johnson says, “The reason Manzanita School was able to plant a quarter-acre farm on top of a parking lot and have so much good-tasting produce grow, has everything to do with our regenerative soil practices.”
Expanding the same principles globally, Drawdown states, “The world cannot be fed unless the soil is fed. Regenerative agriculture enhances and sustains the health of the soil by restoring its carbon content, which in turn improves productivity—just the opposite of conventional agriculture.” Practices of crop rotation, utilizing only organic fertilizers, and no tillage are just a few innovations that can reduce Co2 by 23 gigatons, regenerate our topsoil and save us 1.93 trillion dollars. I’d say that’s win-win-win. Topanga’s regenerative practices include composting locally at the Topanga Community Center or starting a backyard compost.
If you need support with this, contact Move the World/Full Circle Compost and we’ll help you get started: (310) 871-0061.
Read more about the benefits of Regenerative Agriculture: drawdown.org/solutions/food/regenerative-agriculture