Looking to beat the heat during another scorching weekend?

The new, improved Topanga Beach Bus gets you from Warner Center to the Santa Monica beaches for just $1 — seven days a week, 365 days a year! Visit BeachBus.org for schedules, stops and more! Safe, Clean Water Program
Every year a full 100 billion gallons of water runs down our curbs and out into the ocean.
We need smarter ways to capture, clean and store stormwater, so we can increase our local water supply, clean that water, and save it for future use. On July 17, the Board approved a comprehensive plan to do just that.
The Safe Clean Water L.A. Program would fund projects and programs that capture, clean, and conserve stormwater — increasing local water supplies, improving water quality, and creating opportunities for new recreational green space and habitat.
Dive in here (http://safecleanwaterla.org/our-game-plan) for details and see how the Safe Clean Water Program is proposed to shape up.
Read More: “L.A. County Shows Off Stormwater Infrastructure for Safe Clean Water” (https://lasentinel.net/l-a-county-shows-off-stormwater-infrastructure-for-safe-clean-water)
L.A. Student Nature Photo Contest! Calling all Los Angeles County K-12 student nature photographers! Now through September 30th, the Natural History Museum (NHMLA) is looking for students to snap and submit images of wildlife and nature — both in LA and all over the world! Don’t miss this chance to share your unique vision with the community.
Learn more: NHMLA Student Nature Photo Contest (https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/student-contest)