will continue to ring daily, with a message of hope and solidarity. Photo: TCF
The Topanga Christian Fellowship Church, in keeping with the L.A. Department of Health Coronavirus Pandemic order, will be closed to all events. The church bell, however, will be rung every day between 10 a.m. and noon, “reminding everyone that there is still a Light in the Canyon,” according to TCF CFO Ellie Carroll. “Have faith and we will get through this together. God bless us all.”
Topanga AA meetings have been moved online to Zoom, as there will be no physical meetings until further notice. Use the following links to attend your meeting. We will get through this One Day at a Time.
Sunday night Big Book Study, 6 p.m.— Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/187611737, Meeting ID: 187 611 737
Friday night 12 & 12, 7:30 p.m.—Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/729697643, Meeting ID: 729 697 643.