Local Healer Featured in documentary film, Heal

Dianne Porchia

Holistic healer, Dianne Porchia is featured in the upcoming documentary film, Heal, for her holistic stress reduction and spiritual healing work with advance stage cancer client, Elizabeth Craig. Four years after diagnosis of Stage IV anal cancer, Elizabeth remains No Evidence of Disease (NED).

“This day was a very tearful and joyful occasion as Liz made phone calls to family and friends with the good news,” Porchia says. The two women celebrated with shots of wheatgrass.

Craig attributes much of her healing to the in-depth holistic healing and spiritual work she did with Porchia during and after her cancer treatment.

Porchia documented the process from diagnosis through treatment to the all-clear results, and once Elizabeth achieved NED, Porchia wanted to make a documentary film, Messengers of Hope, about the experience. Life, however, got in the way and the project was put on hold.

Through networking contacts, she was introduced to Adam Schomer, producer of the documentary, The Highest Pass, that won an award at the Topanga Film Festival in 2011. He was working on his new film, Heal, for conscious cinema at Elevate Entertainment and wanted to include a segment on healing cancer. Since Porchia already had the footage, it seemed a perfect fit.  

Heal takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe.

Schomer hopes to return to Topanga with his latest documentary, Heal, which includes notable names in science, spirituality and wellness such as Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Kelly Turner, Anita Moorjani, to mention a few, plus Topanga resident Dianne Porchia.  

HEAL screens at Illuminate Film Festival, June 1-4, at Sedona Performing Arts Center, Main Theatre, Sedona, Arizona.

For more information or to contact Dianne Porchia: (310) 455-2851; dianne@porchiaswish.com; www.porchiaswish.com.


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