who join forces with Nicholas, only if he helps her free the enslaved, feed the poor, and break evil spells. She teaches Nick about kindness.. a gift that should always be given away. Photos courtesy Street Party Games
Thirteen-year Topanga resident Rita Street is a television producer and creator of children’s TV series and films whose credits include, Space Chickens in Space (Disney EMEA 2018), and 100% Wolf—Legend of the Moonstone, (Germany’s Studio 100), that took top honors in the Cannes Children’s Content category in October.
In between making animated films, she says, “I’ve always been an entrepreneur doing a side hustle. It takes a long time to get a film or TV series off the ground, an average of ten years. I wanted something that is totally my own, so I love card games and went into card games for kids.”
This year, just in time for the holidays, she has created a free “print and play” holiday card game, in the form of a downloadable digital document (PDF) that contains a full card game, for kids and family “to get kids off the screen and their cell phones and families playing together.”
To start, all they do is go to streetpartygames.com and, using 8.5 x 11-inch, 110 lb. card stock, print out a complete set of Nicholas & Nicole cards, The Secret Adventures of Young St. Nicholas. Cut out the cards along the dotted lines, color them, and set up the board. For tokens, steal from another board game you’re bored with, or use coins—pennies, nickels, and dimes.
It is an icon-matching game. Icons on all the playing cards—Action, Role, Story, and Quest cards—represent possible actions. For instance, to get out of a jam, a player can either use Magic, Cleverness, the ability to Fight, or Kindness. Action cards are held in your hand and their icons are matched to icons on Story cards, played face up on the table. If a player can match, or “clear,” all the icons on a Story card, that card goes into their points pile. At the end of the game, any cards left in a player’s hand count as negative points that must be subtracted from the story pile. The player with the most points wins. Eventually you can make up your own rules, write your own cards, or order more online. There is a two-player and four-player version, and the game itself is for eight years and up.
“Since it’s always best to give away “kindness,” that is the highest point card in the deck, a card you don’t want in your hand at the end of play,” Street says. “Kindness is a valuable lesson that the rascally Young St. Nicholas must learn in order to grow up and become the Santa Claus we all know and love!”
Go along with Young St. Nick who meets a lot of villains and the warrior goddess, Nicole, who will join forces with Nicholas, only as long as he will help her free the enslaved, feed the poor, and break evil spells. If all goes well, the future Mrs. Claus will teach her young suitor a thing or two about kindness..a gift that should always be given away
Street cautions that this is a guide to just have fun, while teaching teamwork as the players defeat the villains collaboratively and with kindness.
For more information: 818-657-9229; rita@streetpartygames.com; streetpartygames.com.