Analyst who will lead a movement workshop for writers in the Library meeting room on Saturday, April 15. Photo courtesy of Paula Perlman
Finding a comfortable position to write is a natural instinct. Some people like to put their feet up on the sofa or slouch in their favorite chair with a laptop or notebook. Others write in bed or at a desk or table.
Such extended periods of time in one position, however, can cause blood flow to decrease and the body to stiffen. When concentration on writing deepens, it’s easy to forget that what might feel like comfort can, over time, harm the body and your writing practice.
To counteract these debilitating habits, Topanga Authors’ Group (TAG) presents “The Writer’s Body: Awareness of Your Primary Instrument.”
This free workshop facilitated by Paula Perlman, LMFT, will be held on Saturday, April 15, from 1– 4 p.m. in the Topanga Library meeting room. This is a rare opportunity to work with a movement specialist who teaches participants how to include the whole body as an integral and vital part of writing practice.
Perlman, a longtime Topanga resident, is also a dance/movement therapist and Certified Laban Movement Analyst who guides participants to develop body awareness that promotes efficiency of movement, body connectivity (bones in relationship to other bones and muscles as connections to bones), awareness of spinal support, plus a variety of inroads into deepened understanding of movement, including visual, technical, emotional, imagistic, as well as improvisational methods to create your own recuperative movements.
The goal of this three-hour, experiential and theoretical workshop is to learn inner connectivity and active awareness of your habitual patterns and to explore ways to develop new ones, so that your body can assist you as an author. No special training is necessary to participate.
Space is limited in this free workshop and registration is required:
Learn more about Paula Perlman at http://www.paulaperlman.com.