On the 11th, TCC 80’s Dance Night was very well attended, beautifully decorated by the TCC staff, board and volunteers. The disco ball was the finishing touch. It was a great night. (Please check the TCC calendar www.topangacommunityclub.com/calendar for more disco nights and family friendly square dances.)
Move the World Teen Ball, held their well-rounded family friendly evening and, despite a bit of bad weather, it was well attended. The program began with several short, but dynamic performances by many of the dance troupe members and was followed by dancing. Handmade tacos were served up and there was no shortage of home baked cookies and brownies.
Manzanita School transformed the Community House into an Indian oasis with saris and twinkly lights everywhere. Beautifully decorated tables, delicious catered Indian food and a live sitar player made for a magical evening. The stage was transformed into the silent auction area. Parents and members of the community really put their best foot forward, with over 120 items to bid on–from a 4-night stay in Brazil, Lake Arrowhead and Malibu to gift certificates and beautiful gift baskets. You can see how much these parents love their school.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this kind of volunteer spirit, so many doing so much for our kids. I was very impressed with each group of parent volunteers donating their time, home goods and hand crafted art installations to hang over the fireplace and for decorating table tops. Everyone pulled together and transformed the Community House into their own “Shangri La”. Congratulations to Move the World & Manzanita School. Jobs well done.
It’s nearly spring and time for after school sports. After several cancelations because of the rain, we have managed to kick off the TCC youth soccer season. We also have softball and baseball practices on Fridays, again, check the calendar where you will find many low-cost classes for young and old alike. Hardly a dull moment at your Topanga Community Center.
It doesn’t hurt to remind everyone that the Topanga Community Center is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Topanga community. It does not receive your tax dollars! It is your membership dues, our venue rentals and our annual fundraiser, Topanga Days (right around the corner!) that sustains the burden of maintaining the House and grounds and allows us to keep our doors open. Membership is inexpensive and can give you as many money saving rewards as it costs, including discounted tickets to our quarterly square dances, Topanga Days and the Reggae Festival.
The Topanga Community Center is a wonderful venue for local and non-local needs. Your rental dollars go back into the center to provide upkeep to our beautiful playground, ball field and Community House enjoyed by so many.
For membership details visit www.topangacommunityclub.com. For rental information, please contact Dayna Miller rentalagent@topangacommunityclub.com or call 310-455-1980.
By Dayna Miller