Shai Megides Magdish making the connection and seeing the potential. Photo by Vera Lin
The Woolsey Chronicles, Finding Beauty in Disaster, an art book featuring photographs and first-hand accounts of the disaster and its aftermath, is headed to press. The crowd-funded project, which launched in February, has met its fundraising goal.
“We successfully concluded our crowdfunding campaign to print 1000 copies of the Art Book, The Woolsey Chronicles, Finding Beauty in Disaster,” writes Urs Baur.
“Thank you, everyone who contributed. Special thanks to Mike Baron and Baron Construction & Remodeling (baroncnr.com) for this whopping contribution! The books will be available in about 8-10 weeks. 100 percent of profits from the sale of the books will go to the following local non-profits for emergency preparedness, restoration, and education: Santa Monica Mountains Fund, Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness (TCEP), Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCDSMM), and TopangaFilmInstitute.” The project has received a certificate of recognition from the office of state Senator Henry Stern.
For more information on the Woolsey Chronicles, visit messengermountainnews.com/news/woolsey-chronicles/