Arts & Entertainment

Poetry Reading: “The Terrible Need for Two”

On Saturday, Nov. 3, at 11 a.m., poets Ann Buxie and Jean Colonomos will perform their new work, “The Terrible Need for Two“, a funny and moving collaboration “from our heart and…

Venom Goes Above and Beyond

Director Ruben Fleischer turns fools’ gold into actual gold. Sometimes it’s great to be absolutely wrong about a film. After claiming The Predator as the worst of film of 2018, expectations were…


Free Concert to Honor Veterans

ON VETERANS DAY WEEKEND, A VETERAN’S SON HONORS HIS MOTHER’S REQUEST TO “DO SOMETHING FOR VETERANS.” Dennis Passaggio invites Southern California veterans and their families to the first Veterans National Entertainment Workshop…

First Man Is a Failure to Launch

Movie based on Neil Armstrong tries to do too much with too little. It’s equal parts missed opportunity and left-handed compliment to say that Damien Chazelle has delivered a film as astounding,…


Inara George Hosts Eleni’s Song Club

On Sunday October 7, one of Topanga’s favorite daughters, Inara George, brought yet another heaping helping of great music to the Theatricum Botanicum stage. Although an incredible musician in her own right,…


Poetry Stones Dedication

Sometimes things are written in stone. The City of Malibu recently dedicated two poetry stones in Malibu Legacy Park to commemorate the contributions of the community’s inaugural Poet Laureate, Richardo Means Ybarra,…


“Does It Matter?” Topanga

During a visit back to California, I found Topanga and everything changed. When the time came to move back to California, we found a tiny secluded rental in Topanga, and for the…

Triumph Over Adversity

Kamakshi Hart brought her acclaimed one woman show about her own sexual assault back home to Topanga. at a time when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of her own sexual assault to…

Chaplin’s The Great Dictator Screening and Panel Discussion

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” –Charlie Chaplin The Topanga Film Festival and Institute will present Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 film, The Great Dictator, on Saturday, October 27, 3-7:30 p.m., at…